تو براہ کرم ہمیں آگاہ کریں ، ہم آپ کو /- 5000 انعام دیں گے۔
WWW.FOGOMART.CO AND WWW.FLAMESHOP.CO is fraud online store, selling fake dellameria products online, we are requesting pakistani customers do not buy dellameria any product for pakistani online store online only order from dellameria official international store: www.dellameria.com
Legal Action will be taken against FOGO MART & FLAME SHOP for selling fake products in Pakistan.

Dear valued customers, please do not purchase DELLAMERIA products from FOGO MART & FLAME.PK in Pakistan.
FOGO MART & FLAME.PK is manufacturing FAKE products by using DELLAMERIA TRADE MARK and PACKAGING in Pakistan and selling online, they are using DELLAMERIA TRADE MARK/ LOGO and copy original packaging to misleading customers and this may cause any serious side effect.
DELLAMERIA INTERNATIONAL is taking legal action against FOGOMART.CO & FLAMESHOP.CO for making FAKE/DUPLICATE product in Pakistan and damaging DELLAMERIA GOODWILL/ BRAND IMAGE, and using unsafe/ unregistered formulation which may cause serious side effects to the consumer.